Blogger Perempuan : A Chance for a struggling Amateur blogger

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It's been a little while. For a women what matter most are opportunity without bias. Then, you might find it in many aspect in life to just give in or fight for it. No matter what. It's not easy. I know. I, myself too struggle to conquest my many weaknesses, such as laziness or just a lack of chance to learn. It is not because I don't want to. It's just not easy to do thing important and spare the more important one. So, what the most difficult part is to make priority. That needs skills and arts.

Above reasons and many others make me realize how I need to give myself credits. How I need to appreciate myself by doing it in a certain community, such as Blogger Perempuan. Well, it is one of the answer of my struggle to find a change to be a better person. A better woman. I think by reading and writing in blog and then joining in this community may help me upgrade mine. One way or another. Though I know I am not getting better, I do believe I try harder to be. 

Note for me.
10.33 PM
1 June 2019


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